The Ultimate Guide to Social Media Management for Influencers

This post talks about how influencers can practice effective social media management by setting clear goals, prioritizing platforms, understanding their audience, and maintaining consistent, high-frequency posts—using strategies like batching and repurposing content—to increase visibility and engagement across multiple networks.

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Social networks attract people from all walks of life and present an opportunity for influencers, especially the ones with good social media management systems. However, the opportunity isn’t exactly a secret, with some influencers raking in more than $1 million per year. It takes exceptional time and effort to reach that level, but those two inputs aren’t enough for most people.

It’s not enough to post on social media a few times each week. The most successful influencers keep consistent calendars and regularly monitor their metrics to increase the likelihood of each social media post gaining traction. This guide will reveal how influencers can practice effective social media management that gets them noticed and grows their businesses.

What Is Social Media Management?

Social media management is the process of regularly posting content on multiple social media accounts to attract followers and turn them into customers. Every social media marketing strategy includes social media management since posts build trust, boost discoverability, and keep people coming back for more.

It takes some of the uncertainty out of your social media strategy by establishing when you’ll post on each social network, plus the frequency of posts for each platform. While you can log into each platform and post manually, it’s much easier to use a centralized platform like Phyllo. You can track all of your social media accounts from your dashboard and schedule posts across all of your favorite networks.

The Benefits of Using Multiple Social Networks

It’s common for influencers to use multiple social networks to stay in touch with their followers more often. Some people follow their favorite brands and influencers on multiple platforms. Avoiding a social network will reduce the amount of times your content shows up on a potential customer’s screen.

Furthermore, each of your social networks can bring more traction to the others. Some people may first find your brand on Instagram and decide to follow you on X later. However, it’s also possible that some of your followers first discover your content on X and follow you on Instagram in the future.

Each platform gives you more opportunities to get noticed, build customer loyalty, and generate sales. While it can feel overwhelming to stay on top of many accounts, a good social media management platform can make it much easier. You can schedule all of your posts from a single place instead of managing a bunch of apps and account login details for each account you use.

What to Do Before You Post

Regularly posting new social media content can help you gain market share and establish yourself as a top influencer. However, you need a plan before you post content. A few minutes of planning can save hours of frustration. Here’s what you should do before you publish your next social media post.

Establish Business Goals

When you get in your car and drive, you always have an intended destination. It makes no sense to leave your driveway if you aren’t sure where you’re supposed to go or who you’re supposed to meet.

Social media management follows the same concept. It’s good to post on social media, but it won’t get you anywhere if you haven’t established business goals. While influencers can set many goals, it’s good to focus on the end goals and reverse engineer them.

For instance, assume an influencer wants to make a 6-figure income with their social media posts. This influencer has to create posts that build trust and lead followers to an offer. Most influencers who make 6-figures generate that income with products, services, or sponsorships. Some influencers use all three income streams.

You can then list tangible business goals, such as getting five leads from your social media efforts each week. Influencers who write down their goals have a way to track the ROI from their social media strategies.

Prioritize Your Top Social Networks

Some social networks are more important than others. An influencer with 1 million Instagram followers and 1,000 YouTube subscribers should prioritize Instagram over YouTube. While this influencer can use the Instagram account to drive more traffic to the YouTube channel, it’s important to double down on your strengths.

Posting on many social networks without a team can lead to burnout, even with a good social media management strategy. Focusing on a few core social networks instead of every platform under the sun allows you to focus on your most important opportunities.

Pareto’s Principle states that 80% of your results will come from 20% of your efforts. Spending most of your time on the social networks that bring in the most revenue can grow your business more than prioritizing the social networks that bring in less favorable results.

Understand Your Audience

The goal of any social media strategy is to increase the probability of a successful outcome. Establishing business goals and knowing your top social networks will put you in the right direction, but your audience serves as the foundation. More specifically, your ability to understand who reads your posts and what they want from you.

Social media management tools and platforms hold some of the answers. You can review your top posts and see which ones resonated with your audience the most. Repeating past successes can lead to higher engagement numbers in the future. 

If you don’t have an audience, think of what type of person would want to buy your product or service. Write down a list of questions they may have and see what questions people post on social networks, Quora, and Reddit. You can follow an influencer in your industry and read comments from their posts. Those comments can indicate what your ideal prospects want to see more often.

How to Keep Up with High Frequency Posting

A high frequency schedule can increase your discoverability and net more sales for your business. However, it’s easier said than done to keep up with that schedule, especially if you are a solopreneur. Following these tips can make it easier to stay on top of your social media management plan.

Batch Your Posts

You don’t have to schedule social media posts every day to be active on social media every day. Some influencers pick a day to schedule a week’s worth of social media posts. This batching method frees up the other days of the week and saves time in other ways.

For instance, you won’t have to log into your social media management dashboard each time. You also won’t have to get into the right frame of mind to compose and schedule social media posts. Doing a week’s worth of content in one day keeps you in the zone longer and can help you save time. This approach can make it easier to stay active on multiple social networks.

Repurpose Your Content


There’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Some influencers and brands take this advice to heart with their social media posting calendars. These individuals and companies post the same picture and caption on multiple social networks. Leading video creators often take snippets from their long YouTube videos and post them on YouTube Shorts, TikTok, and Instagram Reels.

While you can take snippets of lengthy content pieces and spread them across multiple social networks, you can even repost the same message and image word for word, especially if it performs well. 

Influencers typically wait a few weeks or months before reposting the same exact post because most people have forgotten it by then. Influencers have also gained new followers who haven’t seen the original post before, and it will be new content for them. This strategy doesn’t work as well for YouTube, but you can post the same thing multiple times on platforms like X, Instagram, and LinkedIn if you have enough space in between repeated posts.

Start with a Manageable Schedule and Build It Out

It’s easy to gravitate toward people like Gary Vaynerchuk when working on your social media management strategy and dipping your toe into the hustle mindset. However, Vaynerchuk has a team of people helping him create his social media content and the same can be said about most of the top creators.


You don’t have to post every day on every social network. That’s too much for one person, and it can be counterproductive since social media is one component of a successful business. 

Start with a manageable posting cycle where it only takes 30-60 minutes to create a week’s worth of content. You don’t have to expand your calendar from there, but if you decide which social networks to prioritize as the results arrive.

Analyze What Works

A social media strategy constantly evolves as new data becomes available. Each post gives you more data points that reflect what your audience thinks about your content. Data-driven decisions can help you get more engagement and maximize your time on each social network.

Some social networks provide internal data that compliments social media management tools. For instance, some social media platforms tell you when most of your followers are on the app. Scheduling your post for those times of the day should theoretically increase engagement. 

You can also track which hashtags drive the most traction and which topics perform the best. YouTube influencers regularly review clickthrough rates to gauge which thumbnails are the most effective, while Instagram influencers may track website clicks to determine if their profiles are leading followers to their offers.

When to Outsource Social Media Management

Social media management is an important part of any online marketing strategy. Some influencers still schedule their social media posts on their own, but others delegate that responsibility to skilled writers. While outsourcing can save time and allow you to focus on other parts of your business, it’s important to consider the pros and cons of delegating your social media posts.

An effective social media management strategy can help you grow your audience on multiple platforms. While regularly posting on each social network can feel overwhelming, you can pick a few top platforms and post at your cadence. You can gradually increase your posting frequency as you get more comfortable with the process.

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