Fintech App for Underwriters and Creators
For companies building fintech apps for creators, it is very challenging to find and verify formal income documents of the creator’s work. There’s tiresome effort involved including manual checking of screenshots
Phyllo’s Income APIs provide accurate income data of the creator’s revenue streams across several social and commerce platforms. This makes it easy for underwriters to verify income sources and approve credit applications.
Creators struggle to find appropriate financing options due to the nature of their work. Build a comprehensive creator fintech app with Phyllo where underwriters can check the creator’s credentials and income streams before lending.
What’s inside this recipe?
This is a recipe on how you can build a financial lending service for creators. It includes both underwriter and creator journeys. Here’s an overview of its contents:
- A secure and user-consented login flow for creators that supports multiple platforms
- An underwriter dashboard where the homepage displays the total creator applications, connected accounts and pending/approved applications
- The homepage also gives details of every individual creator, the platforms they’ve connected to along with timestamps and their email addresses
- A creator overview page that opens up on clicking on a specific creator’s profile from the homepage. This page has multiple tabs where the profile, engagement and income details of said creator are displayed
- The profile tab includes basic personal information like full name, email address, date of birth, and more
- The engagement tab digs deeper into platform-specific statistics of the creator such as subscriber, like, video and comment count with time-based trend lines for each of them
- The income tab looks at the creator’s overall income, platform-specific income and filters it monthwise. This is the most pivotal tab as the underwriter’s decision to lend to a particular creator relies on their income stream
Important data attributes used
This is an indicative list of the data attributes used across our products to power this recipe